Easy Browsing: |
Installing (very easy)To install these buttons, all you have to do is drag them into your 'Links' bar, and that is it! They will be installed and will stay there until you delete them. It's that easy. If you don't like them, just right-click and 'delete' them.
Test it out!Now that you have the buttons, try testing them out, the following is a link to page10.html, you will notice that you can easily go between the different numbers using the buttons, this same method will work on any webpage or file, and there is nothing special about these pages (sorry they are boring I know, but they serve their purpose). Oh and testing them out on this current page won't do you much good as there are no numbers in the address, sorry. page10.html - try it out |
If you try these out I'm sure you will find they help quite often in every-day browsing and can make searching through long indexed systems alot easier and less painful.