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SPong - Pong in SIRDS
(commonly known as "Magic-Eye")

The first game to be developed using the SGL system (SIRD Graphics Libary), SPong is a SIRD version of the classic Pong, the first video game ever, and thus an appropiate choice for the first SGL based game. The controls and "About" information for the game are displayed in a seperate window behind the main window when playing the game. The second game to use the SGL engine is SRampage which is still only in the engine development stage. While it is still very much in development the following early screen shots are available:


Platform: Windows

Please note that in accordance with the SDL license I will provide for anyone who asks at least the object code for this program, just email me.

Screen Shot - Title Screen (in SIRD)
Screen Shot - Lost Game Screen (in height mode)