ESL - Extensible Shading Language

Homepage - Examples - MyShader.esl


This is an example collection of classes which can be used in the ESL_Designer. It is meant to be a sample moderate sized body of ESL code so that you can see how it works in practice. Keep in mind that the point of the ESL shading language is to provide a easy to read and write language which leans heavily on object-oriented principals and runs about as fast as HLSL, so notice how simple, resusable and focused each class is. While this is not production code, it does give pretty good performance and flexibility (see the examples). Presumably each game team will write their own classes suited specifically to their need; because ESL was designed to be a particularly easy language to write shaders in, this is actually fully practical (looking at the code below I m sure you ll agree).

A few things to keep in mind: most language conventions follow from C# and HLSL. Properties can only be shader inputs or procedural values, and all are read-only. Properties without arguments can be called and declared without parenthesis. float Value = XXX; is equivalent to float Value() { return XXX; } and float Value {return XXX;} . Modifiers are sort of like interfaces except that they can contain code too. If anything in the codes doesn t make sense to you, please read the language doc, it covers most of the differences between ESL and standard languages.

For a more hands on approach to exploring the classes, just fire up ESL_Designer which is a friendly interface to creating graphs of these classes.

It should also be kept in mind that the shader graph, once created by the artists (either by exporting from Maya/Max or from the ESL_Designer) is not fixed, and a game engine can modify the graph to suit different needs (i.e. for different passes or LODs, or combine multiple materials into a single shader which implements them all (see Combed Objects in the language doc.) ). The graph should be considered the most detailed description of the shader; the engine can then easily strip it down and work with it. Unlike most current generation languages, ESL code is designed to be mutated. .

Here is the shader code, or download the actual file here:

//A collection of ESL classes for demonstration purposes.
// While they are not quite up to production quality, they
// are versatile and fast enough to create many cool effects.
// -Lewey Geselowitz
//For more ESL information, downloads and examples, check out
// the ESL homepage:
class MyShader adds IMaterial
<description="An example base shader material">
app float4x4 ProjMatrix : WORLDPROJECTION_MATRIX;
app float4x4 ModelViewMatrix : MODELVIEW_MATRIX;
app float3 CameraPosition : CAMERA_POS <uitype="position_world">;
app float3 CameraDirection : CAMERA_DIR <uitype="direction_world">;
user attrib float4 RawPosition : POSITION <uitype="position_model">;
user attrib float3 RawNormal : NORMAL <uitype="direction_model">;
user IColor PixelColor <description="The final pixel color.">;
float4 ModelPosition = RawPosition;
float4 Position = mul( ModelPosition, ModelViewMatrix );
float4 ProjectedPosition = mul( Position, ProjMatrix );
float3 ModelNormal = RawNormal;
float3 Normal = mul( ModelNormal, float3x3( ModelViewMatrix ) );

float3 DirToCamera = - CameraPosition;
float3 UnitDirToCamera = normalize( DirToCamera );
float3 ReflectDir = reflect( DirToCamera, Normal );
float3 UnitReflectDir = normalize( ReflectDir );
//Just an approximation, but good enough for glass shaders:
float2 ScreenPosition
float4 pos = ProjectedPosition;
float2 coord = pos.xy / pos.w;
return ( coord * float2(0.5,-0.5) ) + (0.5).xx;
override float4 FinalPosition = ProjectedPosition;
override float4 FinalColor = PixelColor.Color;
class HelloShader adds IMaterial
<description="A very simple shader.">
app float4x4 ProjMatrix : PROJECTION_MATRIX;
user attrib float4 RawPosition : POSITION <uitype="position_model">;
user float4 AmbientColor <uitype="color">;
float4 ProjectedPosition = mul( RawPosition, ProjMatrix );
override float4 FinalPosition = ProjectedPosition;
override float4 FinalColor = AmbientColor;
abstract modifier IColor
abstract float4 Color;
class FlatColor adds IColor
<description="A flat color exposed as a normal shader constant.">
//Just a flat user specified color
override user float4 Color <uitype="color">;
class FixedColor adds IColor
<description="A fixed or 'hard-coded' color.">
override fixed user float4 Color <uitype="color">;
class VertexColor adds IColor
<description="A per-vertex color (a vertex attribute)">
override user attrib float4 Color <uitype="color"
abstract modifier UVTransform
float2 Transform(float2 uv) = uv;
abstract modifier ITexture adds UVTransform
<description="Transforms the coordinate using a UVTransform and then samples the texture.">
//This property should be overriden, the coord passed in has already
// been transformed.
abstract protected float4 BaseSample(float2 coord);
//This transforms the UV and then samples the texture, this cannot
// be overriden.
sealed float4 Sample(float2 coord) = BaseSample( Transform(coord) );
class RealTexture adds ITexture
<description="Actually samples a texture.">
//This declares an actual texture:
override protected texture float4 BaseSample(float2 coord)
<name="Texture" default="TEXTURE0">;
class ColorTexture adds ITexture
<description="Lets you use a color as a texture, presumably for blending purposes.">
user IColor SolidColor;
override protected float4 BaseSample(float2 coord) = SolidColor.Color;
class TexturedColor adds IColor
<description="Samples a texture to generate this color.">
user ITexture Tex <name="Texture">;
user IValue2 TexCoord;
override float4 Color = Tex.Sample( TexCoord.Value );
abstract modifier IValue2 adds UVTransform
//This property should be overriden to get the underlying value.
abstract protected float2 BaseValue;
//This transforms the BaseValue and cannot be overriden.
sealed float2 Value = Transform( BaseValue );
class UVCoords adds IValue2
<description="A per-vertex UV coordinate.">
override protected user attrib float2 BaseValue
<name="UVCoord" default="TEXCOORD0"
description="Select a 'channel' (like TEXCOORD0) to feed this value.">;
class ScreenXY adds IValue2 usedby MyShader
<description="Returns the current screen XY coordinate">
override float2 BaseValue = MyShader.ScreenPosition;
abstract modifier ILight
abstract float3 Direction;
abstract float4 Color;
//Each light can optionally change the range of factors
// it can contribute. This should be called by any code
// which uses this light.
float ClipFactor(float f) = max( 0, f );
//This assumes for now that Direction is already normalized.
float3 UnitDirection = Direction;
class DiffuseLighting adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Does diffuse lighting calculations to generate this color.">
user IColor DiffuseColor;
app ILight[] DiffuseLights
<description="The lights which will affect the diffuse color.">;
float LightFactor(ILight el)
= el.ClipFactor( dot( MyShader.Normal, el.UnitDirection ) );
float4 DiffuseFromLight(ILight el)
= el.Color * LightFactor( el );
override float4 Color
float4 light = sumeach(
DiffuseFromLight(value) in DiffuseLights );
return DiffuseColor.Color * light;
modifier FocusLight extends ILight
<description="Allows you to adjust the min and max lighting factor.">
user IValue MinFactor;
user IValue MaxFactor;
override float ClipFactor(float f)
return smoothstep( MinFactor.Value, MaxFactor.Value, f );
class DirectionalLight adds ILight
<description="A directional light, has a color and direction.">
user float3 LightDirection <uitype="direction_world" default="LIGHT_0_DIR">;
user IColor LightColor;
override float3 Direction = LightDirection;
override float4 Color = LightColor.Color;
class PointLight adds ILight usedby MyShader
<description="A point light, has a color and position.">
user float3 Position <uitype="position_world" default="LIGHT_0_POS">;
user IColor LightColor;
//Use the current vertex position to calculate the light
// direction.
override float3 Direction = Position -;
override float3 UnitDirection = normalize( Direction );
override float4 Color = LightColor.Color;
modifier PerPixelNormalizeDirection extends PointLight
<description="Makes sure the point light direction is per-pixel normalized">
override pshader float3 UnitDirection = normalize( Direction );
class ProjectedTextureLight adds ILight, UVTransform usedby MyShader
<description="Projects a texture from a light source in a direction.">
user float3 Position <uitype="position_world" default="light_0_pos">;
user float3 LightDirection <uitype="direction_world" default="light_0_dir">;
fixed user float UVScale <default="1">;
user ITexture Tex;
override float3 Direction = Position -;
override float3 UnitDirection = normalize( Direction );
float3 Up = float3( 0, 1, 0 );
float3 ZAxis = LightDirection;
float3 XAxis = cross( ZAxis, Up );
float3 YAxis = cross( ZAxis, XAxis );
float2 RawXYCoord
float2 dxy = float2(
dot( Direction, XAxis ),
dot( Direction, YAxis ) );
float2 coord = dxy / dot( Direction, ZAxis );
return ( coord * UVScale ) + (0.5).xx;
float2 BaseTexCoord = saturate( RawXYCoord );
sealed float2 TexCoord = Transform( BaseTexCoord );
override float4 Color = Tex.Sample( TexCoord );
class SpecularLighting adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Does specular lighting calculations to generate a color.">
fixed user float SpecularPower
<description="The power to which the specular component is raised." default="32">;
app ILight[] SpecularLights;
user IColor SpecularColor;

float3 SpecularDir = MyShader.UnitReflectDir;
float4 SpecularFromLight(ILight el)
float f = el.ClipFactor( dot( SpecularDir, el.UnitDirection ) );
return el.Color * saturate( pow( max( 0, f ), SpecularPower ) );

override float4 Color = SpecularColor.Color *
sumeach( SpecularFromLight(value) in SpecularLights );
modifier PerPixelNormals extends MyShader
<description="Normalizes the normal in the pixel shader, implicitly pushing most lighting code into the pixel shader.">
pshader override float3 Normal = normalize( base.Normal );
modifier GrayScale extends IColor
<description="Applies a grey-scale filter to a color.">
override float4 Color
float4 c = base.Color;
float v = ((c.r + c.g + c.b)/3);
return float4( v, v, v, c.a );
//Not the most powerful bump-mapper but works well for simple
// situations.
modifier NormalMap extends MyShader
<description="Adds bump-mapping">
user TexturedColor BumpMap <description="The bump-map texture">;
user attrib float3 TangentU <default="TEXCOORD1">;
user attrib float3 TangentV <default="TEXCOORD2">;
user IValue NormalWeight <description="Weights the bump-map in the vertex-normal direction if below 1.">;
float3 BumpBase = ( * 2 ) - (1).xxx;
float3 BumpDir
float3 bumpuv = (
( TangentU * BumpBase.x ) +
( TangentV * BumpBase.y ) );
return normalize(
( bumpuv * NormalWeight.Value ) +
( RawNormal * BumpBase.z ) );
override float3 ModelNormal = BumpDir;
modifier NegOneOneToZeroOne extends IColor
<description="Shift a color from a [-1,1] span to the [0,1] span.">
override float4 Color = ( base.Color + (1).xxxx ) * 0.5;
modifier ZeroOneToNegOneOne extends IColor
<description="Shift a color from a [0,1] span to the [-1,1] span.">
override float4 Color = ( base.Color * 2 ) - (1).xxxx;
modifier ClampColor extends IColor
<description="Clamps the color to the [0,1] range.">
override float4 Color = clamp( base.Color, (0).xxxx, (1).xxxx );
modifier NormalizeColor extends IColor
<description="Normalizes the xyz and sets the alpha to 0.">
override float4 Color = normalize( ).xyz0;
modifier InvertColor extends IColor
<description="Does a 1 minus the color.">
override float4 Color = (1).xxxx - base.Color;
modifier NegativeColor extends IColor
<description="Multiplies the color by a negative 1.">
override float4 Color = -base.Color;
class SumColors adds IColor
<description="Lets you specify a number of IColor(s) and then just adds them all up.">
user IColor[] Colors;
override float4 Color = sumeach( value.Color in Colors );
abstract modifier IValue
abstract float Value;
class FlatValue adds IValue
<description="Create a shader constant to hold a single float.">
override user float Value;
class FixedValue adds IValue
<description="Creates a fixed or 'hard coded' float value.">
override fixed user float Value;
modifier CroppedUV extends UVTransform
<description="Crops the UV coordinates to [0,1], can then applies a scale and offset. Used to simuate a full texture as a subrect of another texture.">
user IValue UOffset;
user IValue VOffset;
user IValue UWidth;
user IValue VWidth;
//Has to be done on a per-pixel basis:
override pshader float2 Transform(float2 coord)
float2 offset = float2( UOffset.Value, VOffset.Value );
float2 width = float2( UWidth.Value, VWidth.Value );
float2 uv = base.Transform( coord );
return ( fmod( uv, (1).xx ) * width ) + offset;
modifier ScaledUV extends UVTransform
<description="Lets you scale the UV coordinates and add an offset.">
user IValue UScale;
user IValue VScale;
user IValue UOffset;
user IValue VOffset;
override float2 Transform(float2 coord)
float2 scale = float2( UScale.Value, VScale.Value );
float2 offset = float2( UOffset.Value, VOffset.Value );
return ( base.Transform( coord ) * scale ) + offset;
modifier AddRefraction extends UVTransform usedby MyShader
<description="Adds an offset in the refraction direction. Good for something like glass. Should be used over ScreenXY.">
user IValue RefractionScaler <description="How much the UV coordinate is changed">;
user IValue RefractionIndex <description="How much the light bends, default is 2.">;
float3 RefractDir = refract( normalize(MyShader.DirToCamera),
MyShader.Normal, RefractionIndex.Value );
float3 UnitRefractDir = ( RefractDir );
override float2 Transform(float2 coord)
float2 delta = UnitRefractDir.xy * RefractionScaler.Value;
return base.Transform( coord ) + delta;
abstract modifier ICubicTexture
abstract float4 Sample(float3 coord);
modifier OppositeDirection extends ICubicTexture
<description="Samples the cubic texture in the opposite direction.">
override float4 Sample(float3 coord) = base.Sample( -coord );
class RealCubicTexture adds ICubicTexture
<description="A cubic (CUBE) texture.">
override CUBE texture float4 Sample(float3 coord)
<default="CUBETEXTURE0" name="Cubic Texture">;
class ReflectionColor adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Uses an environment map to calculate the reflected color.">
user ICubicTexture EnvMap <description="The environment map to use for reflection.">;
override float4 Color = EnvMap.Sample( MyShader.ReflectDir );
modifier UseNormalDirection extends ReflectionColor usedby MyShader
<description="Uses the normal direction instead of reflection direction.">
override float4 Color = EnvMap.Sample( MyShader.Normal );
//Dots the Normal direction with the camera direction, and uses that
// value to blend between the two colors in the given span.
class ReflectiveTwoTone adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Blends between two colors based on angle of the normal to the eye.">
user IValue BlendStart <description="Angles lower than this are fully LowColor.">;
user IValue BlendEnd <description="Angles higher than this are fully HighColor.">;
user IColor LowColor;
user IColor HighColor;
float ReflectFactor = dot( MyShader.Normal, -MyShader.UnitDirToCamera );
float BlendFactor = smoothstep( BlendStart.Value, BlendEnd.Value,
ReflectFactor );
override float4 Color = lerp( LowColor.Color, HighColor.Color,
BlendFactor.xxxx );
modifier UseNormalDirection extends ReflectiveTwoTone usedby MyShader
<description="Does a reflective blend using the reflection direction instead of the normal direction.">
override float ReflectFactor
= dot( MyShader.UnitReflectDir, MyShader.UnitDirToCamera );
class One adds IValue
<description="A hard-coded 1">
override float Value = 1;
class Zero adds IValue
<description="A hard-coded 0">
override float Value = 0;
class Black adds IColor
<description="The hard-coded color black, (0,0,0,0)">
override float4 Color = (0).xxxx;
class White adds IColor
<description="The hard-coded color white, (1,1,1,1)">
override float4 Color = (1).xxxx;
abstract modifier IColorCombiner
float4 Combine(float4 a, float4 b) = a * b;
class CombinedTexture adds IColorCombiner, ITexture
<description="Combines two textures (feel free to stack these). Multiplies them by default, modifiers can be added to change this.">
user ITexture First;
user ITexture Second;
override float4 BaseSample(float2 coord)
= Combine( First.Sample(coord), Second.Sample( coord ) );
class CombinedColor adds IColorCombiner, IColor
<description="Combines two colors (feel free to stack these). Multiplies them by default, modifiers can be added to change this.">
user IColor First;
user IColor Second;
override float4 Color = Combine( First.Color, Second.Color );
modifier AdditiveCombine extends IColorCombiner
<description="Changes a combiner into an additive combiner i.e. First + Second.">
override float4 Combine(float4 a, float4 b) = a + b;
//These classes are used for testing, and can be quite handy:
class Test_FlatLights adds IColor
<description="Just adds the lights colors, ignores thier directions.">
app ILight[] ColoredLights;
float4 LightContrib(ILight el)
float f = el.ClipFactor( 1 );
return el.Color * f;
override float4 Color = sumeach( LightContrib(value) in ColoredLights );
class Test_ViewNormal adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Visualizes the normal as a color. Reverses the Z direction for convenience.">
override float4 Color = ( MyShader.Normal * float3(1,1,-1) ).xyz0;
class Test_ViewTexCoords adds ITexture
<description="Outputs the texture coordinates as a color so that you can easily visualize them.">
override protected float4 BaseSample(float2 coord) = frac( coord ).xy00;
class Test_EasyLight adds ILight
<description="A directional white light in the 'LIGHT_0_DIR' direction.">
user float3 LightDirection : LIGHT_0_DIR;
override float3 Direction = LightDirection;
override float4 Color = (1).xxxx;
class Test_ViewCubicCoords adds ICubicTexture
<description="Outputs the texture coordinates as a color so that you can easily visualize them.">
override float4 Sample(float3 coord) = normalize(coord).xyz0;
//Don't use this:
NOTE: Using this modifier, and setting NewPosition to a UVCoord
created a valid shader but made the driver go crazy.
modifier Test_CoordToPosition extends MyShader
user IValue2 NewPosition;
override float4 FinalPosition = NewPosition.Value.xy01;




Copyright 2006 Lewey Geselowitz
ESL - MyShader.esl

ESL - Extensible Shading Language

Homepage - Examples - MyShader.esl


This is an example collection of classes which can be used in the ESL_Designer. It is meant to be a sample moderate sized body of ESL code so that you can see how it works in practice. Keep in mind that the point of the ESL shading language is to provide a easy to read and write language which leans heavily on object-oriented principals and runs about as fast as HLSL, so notice how simple, resusable and focused each class is. While this is not production code, it does give pretty good performance and flexibility (see the examples). Presumably each game team will write their own classes suited specifically to their need; because ESL was designed to be a particularly easy language to write shaders in, this is actually fully practical (looking at the code below I m sure you ll agree).

A few things to keep in mind: most language conventions follow from C# and HLSL. Properties can only be shader inputs or procedural values, and all are read-only. Properties without arguments can be called and declared without parenthesis. float Value = XXX; is equivalent to float Value() { return XXX; } and float Value {return XXX;} . Modifiers are sort of like interfaces except that they can contain code too. If anything in the codes doesn t make sense to you, please read the language doc, it covers most of the differences between ESL and standard languages.

For a more hands on approach to exploring the classes, just fire up ESL_Designer which is a friendly interface to creating graphs of these classes.

It should also be kept in mind that the shader graph, once created by the artists (either by exporting from Maya/Max or from the ESL_Designer) is not fixed, and a game engine can modify the graph to suit different needs (i.e. for different passes or LODs, or combine multiple materials into a single shader which implements them all (see Combed Objects in the language doc.) ). The graph should be considered the most detailed description of the shader; the engine can then easily strip it down and work with it. Unlike most current generation languages, ESL code is designed to be mutated. .

Here is the shader code, or download the actual file here:

//A collection of ESL classes for demonstration purposes.
// While they are not quite up to production quality, they
// are versatile and fast enough to create many cool effects.
// -Lewey Geselowitz
//For more ESL information, downloads and examples, check out
// the ESL homepage:
class MyShader adds IMaterial
<description="An example base shader material">
app float4x4 ProjMatrix : WORLDPROJECTION_MATRIX;
app float4x4 ModelViewMatrix : MODELVIEW_MATRIX;
app float3 CameraPosition : CAMERA_POS <uitype="position_world">;
app float3 CameraDirection : CAMERA_DIR <uitype="direction_world">;
user attrib float4 RawPosition : POSITION <uitype="position_model">;
user attrib float3 RawNormal : NORMAL <uitype="direction_model">;
user IColor PixelColor <description="The final pixel color.">;
float4 ModelPosition = RawPosition;
float4 Position = mul( ModelPosition, ModelViewMatrix );
float4 ProjectedPosition = mul( Position, ProjMatrix );
float3 ModelNormal = RawNormal;
float3 Normal = mul( ModelNormal, float3x3( ModelViewMatrix ) );

float3 DirToCamera = - CameraPosition;
float3 UnitDirToCamera = normalize( DirToCamera );
float3 ReflectDir = reflect( DirToCamera, Normal );
float3 UnitReflectDir = normalize( ReflectDir );
//Just an approximation, but good enough for glass shaders:
float2 ScreenPosition
float4 pos = ProjectedPosition;
float2 coord = pos.xy / pos.w;
return ( coord * float2(0.5,-0.5) ) + (0.5).xx;
override float4 FinalPosition = ProjectedPosition;
override float4 FinalColor = PixelColor.Color;
class HelloShader adds IMaterial
<description="A very simple shader.">
app float4x4 ProjMatrix : PROJECTION_MATRIX;
user attrib float4 RawPosition : POSITION <uitype="position_model">;
user float4 AmbientColor <uitype="color">;
float4 ProjectedPosition = mul( RawPosition, ProjMatrix );
override float4 FinalPosition = ProjectedPosition;
override float4 FinalColor = AmbientColor;
abstract modifier IColor
abstract float4 Color;
class FlatColor adds IColor
<description="A flat color exposed as a normal shader constant.">
//Just a flat user specified color
override user float4 Color <uitype="color">;
class FixedColor adds IColor
<description="A fixed or 'hard-coded' color.">
override fixed user float4 Color <uitype="color">;
class VertexColor adds IColor
<description="A per-vertex color (a vertex attribute)">
override user attrib float4 Color <uitype="color"
abstract modifier UVTransform
float2 Transform(float2 uv) = uv;
abstract modifier ITexture adds UVTransform
<description="Transforms the coordinate using a UVTransform and then samples the texture.">
//This property should be overriden, the coord passed in has already
// been transformed.
abstract protected float4 BaseSample(float2 coord);
//This transforms the UV and then samples the texture, this cannot
// be overriden.
sealed float4 Sample(float2 coord) = BaseSample( Transform(coord) );
class RealTexture adds ITexture
<description="Actually samples a texture.">
//This declares an actual texture:
override protected texture float4 BaseSample(float2 coord)
<name="Texture" default="TEXTURE0">;
class ColorTexture adds ITexture
<description="Lets you use a color as a texture, presumably for blending purposes.">
user IColor SolidColor;
override protected float4 BaseSample(float2 coord) = SolidColor.Color;
class TexturedColor adds IColor
<description="Samples a texture to generate this color.">
user ITexture Tex <name="Texture">;
user IValue2 TexCoord;
override float4 Color = Tex.Sample( TexCoord.Value );
abstract modifier IValue2 adds UVTransform
//This property should be overriden to get the underlying value.
abstract protected float2 BaseValue;
//This transforms the BaseValue and cannot be overriden.
sealed float2 Value = Transform( BaseValue );
class UVCoords adds IValue2
<description="A per-vertex UV coordinate.">
override protected user attrib float2 BaseValue
<name="UVCoord" default="TEXCOORD0"
description="Select a 'channel' (like TEXCOORD0) to feed this value.">;
class ScreenXY adds IValue2 usedby MyShader
<description="Returns the current screen XY coordinate">
override float2 BaseValue = MyShader.ScreenPosition;
abstract modifier ILight
abstract float3 Direction;
abstract float4 Color;
//Each light can optionally change the range of factors
// it can contribute. This should be called by any code
// which uses this light.
float ClipFactor(float f) = max( 0, f );
//This assumes for now that Direction is already normalized.
float3 UnitDirection = Direction;
class DiffuseLighting adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Does diffuse lighting calculations to generate this color.">
user IColor DiffuseColor;
app ILight[] DiffuseLights
<description="The lights which will affect the diffuse color.">;
float LightFactor(ILight el)
= el.ClipFactor( dot( MyShader.Normal, el.UnitDirection ) );
float4 DiffuseFromLight(ILight el)
= el.Color * LightFactor( el );
override float4 Color
float4 light = sumeach(
DiffuseFromLight(value) in DiffuseLights );
return DiffuseColor.Color * light;
modifier FocusLight extends ILight
<description="Allows you to adjust the min and max lighting factor.">
user IValue MinFactor;
user IValue MaxFactor;
override float ClipFactor(float f)
return smoothstep( MinFactor.Value, MaxFactor.Value, f );
class DirectionalLight adds ILight
<description="A directional light, has a color and direction.">
user float3 LightDirection <uitype="direction_world" default="LIGHT_0_DIR">;
user IColor LightColor;
override float3 Direction = LightDirection;
override float4 Color = LightColor.Color;
class PointLight adds ILight usedby MyShader
<description="A point light, has a color and position.">
user float3 Position <uitype="position_world" default="LIGHT_0_POS">;
user IColor LightColor;
//Use the current vertex position to calculate the light
// direction.
override float3 Direction = Position -;
override float3 UnitDirection = normalize( Direction );
override float4 Color = LightColor.Color;
modifier PerPixelNormalizeDirection extends PointLight
<description="Makes sure the point light direction is per-pixel normalized">
override pshader float3 UnitDirection = normalize( Direction );
class ProjectedTextureLight adds ILight, UVTransform usedby MyShader
<description="Projects a texture from a light source in a direction.">
user float3 Position <uitype="position_world" default="light_0_pos">;
user float3 LightDirection <uitype="direction_world" default="light_0_dir">;
fixed user float UVScale <default="1">;
user ITexture Tex;
override float3 Direction = Position -;
override float3 UnitDirection = normalize( Direction );
float3 Up = float3( 0, 1, 0 );
float3 ZAxis = LightDirection;
float3 XAxis = cross( ZAxis, Up );
float3 YAxis = cross( ZAxis, XAxis );
float2 RawXYCoord
float2 dxy = float2(
dot( Direction, XAxis ),
dot( Direction, YAxis ) );
float2 coord = dxy / dot( Direction, ZAxis );
return ( coord * UVScale ) + (0.5).xx;
float2 BaseTexCoord = saturate( RawXYCoord );
sealed float2 TexCoord = Transform( BaseTexCoord );
override float4 Color = Tex.Sample( TexCoord );
class SpecularLighting adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Does specular lighting calculations to generate a color.">
fixed user float SpecularPower
<description="The power to which the specular component is raised." default="32">;
app ILight[] SpecularLights;
user IColor SpecularColor;

float3 SpecularDir = MyShader.UnitReflectDir;
float4 SpecularFromLight(ILight el)
float f = el.ClipFactor( dot( SpecularDir, el.UnitDirection ) );
return el.Color * saturate( pow( max( 0, f ), SpecularPower ) );

override float4 Color = SpecularColor.Color *
sumeach( SpecularFromLight(value) in SpecularLights );
modifier PerPixelNormals extends MyShader
<description="Normalizes the normal in the pixel shader, implicitly pushing most lighting code into the pixel shader.">
pshader override float3 Normal = normalize( base.Normal );
modifier GrayScale extends IColor
<description="Applies a grey-scale filter to a color.">
override float4 Color
float4 c = base.Color;
float v = ((c.r + c.g + c.b)/3);
return float4( v, v, v, c.a );
//Not the most powerful bump-mapper but works well for simple
// situations.
modifier NormalMap extends MyShader
<description="Adds bump-mapping">
user TexturedColor BumpMap <description="The bump-map texture">;
user attrib float3 TangentU <default="TEXCOORD1">;
user attrib float3 TangentV <default="TEXCOORD2">;
user IValue NormalWeight <description="Weights the bump-map in the vertex-normal direction if below 1.">;
float3 BumpBase = ( * 2 ) - (1).xxx;
float3 BumpDir
float3 bumpuv = (
( TangentU * BumpBase.x ) +
( TangentV * BumpBase.y ) );
return normalize(
( bumpuv * NormalWeight.Value ) +
( RawNormal * BumpBase.z ) );
override float3 ModelNormal = BumpDir;
modifier NegOneOneToZeroOne extends IColor
<description="Shift a color from a [-1,1] span to the [0,1] span.">
override float4 Color = ( base.Color + (1).xxxx ) * 0.5;
modifier ZeroOneToNegOneOne extends IColor
<description="Shift a color from a [0,1] span to the [-1,1] span.">
override float4 Color = ( base.Color * 2 ) - (1).xxxx;
modifier ClampColor extends IColor
<description="Clamps the color to the [0,1] range.">
override float4 Color = clamp( base.Color, (0).xxxx, (1).xxxx );
modifier NormalizeColor extends IColor
<description="Normalizes the xyz and sets the alpha to 0.">
override float4 Color = normalize( ).xyz0;
modifier InvertColor extends IColor
<description="Does a 1 minus the color.">
override float4 Color = (1).xxxx - base.Color;
modifier NegativeColor extends IColor
<description="Multiplies the color by a negative 1.">
override float4 Color = -base.Color;
class SumColors adds IColor
<description="Lets you specify a number of IColor(s) and then just adds them all up.">
user IColor[] Colors;
override float4 Color = sumeach( value.Color in Colors );
abstract modifier IValue
abstract float Value;
class FlatValue adds IValue
<description="Create a shader constant to hold a single float.">
override user float Value;
class FixedValue adds IValue
<description="Creates a fixed or 'hard coded' float value.">
override fixed user float Value;
modifier CroppedUV extends UVTransform
<description="Crops the UV coordinates to [0,1], can then applies a scale and offset. Used to simuate a full texture as a subrect of another texture.">
user IValue UOffset;
user IValue VOffset;
user IValue UWidth;
user IValue VWidth;
//Has to be done on a per-pixel basis:
override pshader float2 Transform(float2 coord)
float2 offset = float2( UOffset.Value, VOffset.Value );
float2 width = float2( UWidth.Value, VWidth.Value );
float2 uv = base.Transform( coord );
return ( fmod( uv, (1).xx ) * width ) + offset;
modifier ScaledUV extends UVTransform
<description="Lets you scale the UV coordinates and add an offset.">
user IValue UScale;
user IValue VScale;
user IValue UOffset;
user IValue VOffset;
override float2 Transform(float2 coord)
float2 scale = float2( UScale.Value, VScale.Value );
float2 offset = float2( UOffset.Value, VOffset.Value );
return ( base.Transform( coord ) * scale ) + offset;
modifier AddRefraction extends UVTransform usedby MyShader
<description="Adds an offset in the refraction direction. Good for something like glass. Should be used over ScreenXY.">
user IValue RefractionScaler <description="How much the UV coordinate is changed">;
user IValue RefractionIndex <description="How much the light bends, default is 2.">;
float3 RefractDir = refract( normalize(MyShader.DirToCamera),
MyShader.Normal, RefractionIndex.Value );
float3 UnitRefractDir = ( RefractDir );
override float2 Transform(float2 coord)
float2 delta = UnitRefractDir.xy * RefractionScaler.Value;
return base.Transform( coord ) + delta;
abstract modifier ICubicTexture
abstract float4 Sample(float3 coord);
modifier OppositeDirection extends ICubicTexture
<description="Samples the cubic texture in the opposite direction.">
override float4 Sample(float3 coord) = base.Sample( -coord );
class RealCubicTexture adds ICubicTexture
<description="A cubic (CUBE) texture.">
override CUBE texture float4 Sample(float3 coord)
<default="CUBETEXTURE0" name="Cubic Texture">;
class ReflectionColor adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Uses an environment map to calculate the reflected color.">
user ICubicTexture EnvMap <description="The environment map to use for reflection.">;
override float4 Color = EnvMap.Sample( MyShader.ReflectDir );
modifier UseNormalDirection extends ReflectionColor usedby MyShader
<description="Uses the normal direction instead of reflection direction.">
override float4 Color = EnvMap.Sample( MyShader.Normal );
//Dots the Normal direction with the camera direction, and uses that
// value to blend between the two colors in the given span.
class ReflectiveTwoTone adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Blends between two colors based on angle of the normal to the eye.">
user IValue BlendStart <description="Angles lower than this are fully LowColor.">;
user IValue BlendEnd <description="Angles higher than this are fully HighColor.">;
user IColor LowColor;
user IColor HighColor;
float ReflectFactor = dot( MyShader.Normal, -MyShader.UnitDirToCamera );
float BlendFactor = smoothstep( BlendStart.Value, BlendEnd.Value,
ReflectFactor );
override float4 Color = lerp( LowColor.Color, HighColor.Color,
BlendFactor.xxxx );
modifier UseNormalDirection extends ReflectiveTwoTone usedby MyShader
<description="Does a reflective blend using the reflection direction instead of the normal direction.">
override float ReflectFactor
= dot( MyShader.UnitReflectDir, MyShader.UnitDirToCamera );
class One adds IValue
<description="A hard-coded 1">
override float Value = 1;
class Zero adds IValue
<description="A hard-coded 0">
override float Value = 0;
class Black adds IColor
<description="The hard-coded color black, (0,0,0,0)">
override float4 Color = (0).xxxx;
class White adds IColor
<description="The hard-coded color white, (1,1,1,1)">
override float4 Color = (1).xxxx;
abstract modifier IColorCombiner
float4 Combine(float4 a, float4 b) = a * b;
class CombinedTexture adds IColorCombiner, ITexture
<description="Combines two textures (feel free to stack these). Multiplies them by default, modifiers can be added to change this.">
user ITexture First;
user ITexture Second;
override float4 BaseSample(float2 coord)
= Combine( First.Sample(coord), Second.Sample( coord ) );
class CombinedColor adds IColorCombiner, IColor
<description="Combines two colors (feel free to stack these). Multiplies them by default, modifiers can be added to change this.">
user IColor First;
user IColor Second;
override float4 Color = Combine( First.Color, Second.Color );
modifier AdditiveCombine extends IColorCombiner
<description="Changes a combiner into an additive combiner i.e. First + Second.">
override float4 Combine(float4 a, float4 b) = a + b;
//These classes are used for testing, and can be quite handy:
class Test_FlatLights adds IColor
<description="Just adds the lights colors, ignores thier directions.">
app ILight[] ColoredLights;
float4 LightContrib(ILight el)
float f = el.ClipFactor( 1 );
return el.Color * f;
override float4 Color = sumeach( LightContrib(value) in ColoredLights );
class Test_ViewNormal adds IColor usedby MyShader
<description="Visualizes the normal as a color. Reverses the Z direction for convenience.">
override float4 Color = ( MyShader.Normal * float3(1,1,-1) ).xyz0;
class Test_ViewTexCoords adds ITexture
<description="Outputs the texture coordinates as a color so that you can easily visualize them.">
override protected float4 BaseSample(float2 coord) = frac( coord ).xy00;
class Test_EasyLight adds ILight
<description="A directional white light in the 'LIGHT_0_DIR' direction.">
user float3 LightDirection : LIGHT_0_DIR;
override float3 Direction = LightDirection;
override float4 Color = (1).xxxx;
class Test_ViewCubicCoords adds ICubicTexture
<description="Outputs the texture coordinates as a color so that you can easily visualize them.">
override float4 Sample(float3 coord) = normalize(coord).xyz0;
//Don't use this:
NOTE: Using this modifier, and setting NewPosition to a UVCoord
created a valid shader but made the driver go crazy.
modifier Test_CoordToPosition extends MyShader
user IValue2 NewPosition;
override float4 FinalPosition = NewPosition.Value.xy01;




Copyright 2006 Lewey Geselowitz