(by Subject)
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(by Lewey Geselowitz)


3D UI Hand Gestures

Core hand gestures needed for common 2.5D and 3D user interface actions: idling, pointing and scrolling (with selection usually by touch or tap gesture); each pose is identified by it's muscle contraction-or-protraction signature (how the wrist muslces are flexing the hand). The poses can be used while operating a mouse with the other hand, or in conjuction with shared gestures such as zoom in or out.

Demo video and article originally posted 5/5/2015. Hand pose chart illustrated 8/20/2020. - Lewey Geselowitz

Above Demo Video: YouTube or video: the colors on the fingers represent the protraction state of each finger (protracted-back / relaxed-forward / contracted-in). The block shape around the hands represent the current cursor state (see hand poses above).

Table of hand poses with images, muscle signature, and UI action

The six hand poses: Open, Flat, Pointing, Row, Column, Closed.

Hand Poses
# Pose Image Muscles Action Comments
1Open Neither contracted nor protracted Idle No action taken
2Pointing Index protracted, ring and pinky contracted Aiming/Zooming-Z For focusing on a specific point
3Flat All protracted, palm down Rotate / Depth Scrolling Tilts view and/or pans up/down.
4Row Palm to the inside, palm fingers not protracted Row Scrolling Scrolling up and down, fingers tips used for detail.
5Column Palm to the inside, palm fingers protracted Column Scrolling Scrolling left and right.
6Closed All contracted Resets Used as an escape
Two Handed Combinations
3 + 0Rotate w/ Mouse All protracted, palm down Rotate * Mouse Held for rotation
3 + 4Rotate * Scroll Row Both Rotate and Row poses Rotate * Row Scrolling Scrolling up and down, fingers tips used for detail.
3 + 5Rotate * Scroll Column Both Rotate and Column poses Rotate * Column Scrolling Scrolling left and right, fingers tips used for detail.
3 + 3Zoom / Scroll Depth Both hands fingers protracted, palms down Adjusts depth or zooms in/out Raises or lower the target
5 + 5Zoom / Scroll Column Two Column and Column poses Column Zooming Zooming in and out, fingers tips used for detail.

*Biases towards rotate pose: Using your non-dominant hand to rotate and hold a reference space is so vital an activity that the rotate state should be deeply biased towards once it has been initiated by the user.

Demo built using Unity 3D and the Leap Motion sensor and SDK. (with finger protraction and hand pose recognition added).